Sunday, 5 April 2020

Blog Post 1: News Review 
 How is COVID-19 Impacting Our Health and Lifestyle? 

A beginning, a start for something new  2020 was supposed to be a new decade for many! Something has new was definitely on the horizon, however, none of us were expecting it to be a pandemic. COVID-19 has impacted the health of millions, killed thousands and we are still months away from the anxiously awaited vaccine. 

How is this pandemic affecting our health and lifestyles? 

On the BBC News website, diverse questions emerge regarding how simple lifestyle choices that were unnoticed in a not so distant past have become the epicenter of many. Questions like

are being asked on a regular basis by many. This is due to the fact that this invisible and invincible (at least until a vaccine is found) virus can be caught from anywhere and many people want to be educated about it. 

The questions shown above were asked and answered on the BBC article but the news article should have tackled even more problematic areas that many people are encountering. I am sure that you as the reader can think of some!

The questions were tackled in simple straight answers whereas the writer should have not only answered the questions but should have built a topic, for example on how people can exercise at home during these difficult times. Our health definitely cannot be neglected but walks are not the only forms of exercise that one can do in this situation. People in the UK, for now, can still go on walks but how about those that are in total lockdown like Italy? We have the use of technology which is definitely a blessing to many. Therefore, why not try to surf the Internet whereas one can find many videos and articles pertaining to fitness with guided instructions. YouTube, for instance, has numerous videos pertaining to health and fitness from beginner to experienced levels. 

The news article should have also clarified the means of presenting a list to the readers to see how many hours or days the virus lives on different surfaces. 

This quote is part of an answer pertaining to the second question. Yes, of course, the virus can live for an extended period of time, but people need to be educated on the amount of time that it can live on the different fabrics, surfaces, etc. A simple list with the name of the surface for example and the amount of time would have sufficed. 

The news article should have brought more to it by building on the questions of others because there is a lack of information that could have been implemented instead of a question and answer only.

If you would like to read the original news, please find the URL link below:

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